During this lockdown
A series of Brunswick alleyways, rendered in watercolour and accompanied by a glum interior monologue! Currently out of stock
36 colour pages, A5 format $15
Taegen - A biography
An illustrated account of the life of Taegen Hannah, which she has graciously accepted to share with us in this sample biography.
56 colour pages, A5 format $20
Story of the Hôtel Sainte Valière Part Two
An illustrated account of moving to a small village in France to set up an arts residency.
102 colour pages, A5 format $22
Lend life a coherence you never knew it had!
What could be more meaningful than to offer someone the story of their life? A moment, a milestone, an epiphany, a voyage, a falling in love, an overcoming of adversity. People or places that are special. Their ten best outfits. Or, why not, your own life!
Eloise Caleo’s illustrated biographies craft these stories, favouring ink and watercolour pictures over words, using photographs, interviews and observation. Available by commission.
Price & format
A commissioned biography, at least in these early days, will cost around $50 per page, which includes research and interviews, artwork, story-making, consultation, graphic design and production.
12 pages - $600
24 pages - $1200
36 pages - $1800
You choose the format (A4/A5/A6) and length of your book (12/24/36/48 pages). Books take 3 weeks to a few months to create, depending on length and intricacy. Your book remains private unless you choose to make it public.
Printing is around $12 - $20 per book, depending on paper quality and length of book. There is no minimum order. The list below is for printing in A5 format on highest quality paper.
12 pages - $18 per book
24 pages - $21 per book
36 pages - $24 per book
To enquire about commissioning a biography please write to [email protected]
En français
Pour commander la version française des histoires de l'Hôtel Sainte Valière, ou pour payer en euros, veuillez m'écrire à [email protected]